To ensure the high quality of products and tquality control at all stages of the production ALFA Smart Agro opened its own plant in Ukraine.
Plant territory, together with the adjacent area is about 1 hectare. This smart use of the space is possible only due to new technologies implementation in the production. We have equipped our plant with the best European, Indian and Chinese equipment to be capable to supply quality products at a reasonable price.
The manufacturing site for micronutrients and plant protection products consists of three main areas:
- Water solutions site (production of herbicides, desiccants and micronutrients);
- Suspension concentrates site (4 production lines that are designed to allow us to separately manufacture 4 types of products, i.e. fungicides, insecticides, herbicides and seed treatment);
- Emulsion concentrates site (commissioning is planned in 2017)
The current production capacity of the plant is about 12 thousand tons per year. High efficiency and safety of production is possible due to a number of factors, which were taken into account in the design of the plant and successfully implemented during construction:
- Many of the production operations are automated, which greatly facilitates the system operation. A person is needed only to control the electrical equipment and products packaging process.
- Production technologies are fully adapted to the equipment installed at the plant. It is possible to increase productivity through the intensification of production and planning of shifts.
- The plant widely uses energy-saving technologies. In the cold season premises are heated by the technological equipment generated heat.
- There is no industrial sewage network at the plant because no stocks are generated in the production process. All production residues are transported for disposal to the licensed state enterprises.
- Multifunctional equipment produced by the best manufacturers and modern methods of air conditioning minimize possible emissions
- Multifunctional equipment produced by the best manufacturers and modern methods of air conditioning minimize possible emissions